
Useful informations



Country’s full name: The Republic of Poland
National flag: Color: top - white, bottom - red
National banner: flag with national emblem - national symbol used by ships, civil air ports, diplomatic missions and consular posts
National emblem: White eagle in a crown against a red background
National anthem: "Mazurek Dabrowskiego" / "Dombrowski's Mazurka"
Language: Polish
Population: 38, 6 mln in the year 2000
Capital city: Warsaw - 1,6 mln. citizens
Territory: total area of the country - 312,685 km2 (120,727sqm)
territorial sea - 8,7 thousands km2
Poland is the 9th biggest country in Europe, and 63rd in the world.
Map of Poland:
Neighbouring countries (border length):
Russia (Kaliningrad District) (210 km)
Lithuania (103 km)
Byelorussia (416 km)
Ukraine (529 km)
Slovakia (539 km)
Czech Republic (790 km)
Germany (467 km)
Length of sea border  (528 km)
Total length of national border   3582 km
Monetary unit / Currency: 1 złoty (translation: “gold”) = 100 groszy
Time: GMT/UTC plus one hour
Climate:Continental; moderate, changeable weather.
Average temperatures:
on the coast and the West  from 0 to -1°
North-East    from - 4,5° to - 5,5°
In the mountains (South)  - 7°
on the coast   16,5°
In the South   19°
Average annual rainfall:  600 mm
National Holidays:
1 May - National Holiday
3 May - National Holiday of 3rd May - the anniversary of the proclamation of Constitution of 3rd May
11 November - Natinal Holiday of Independence - The anniversary of regaining independance by Poland
Bank Holidays:
1 January - New Year's Day
First Day of Easter
Second Day of Easter
1 May - National Holiday
3 May - National Holiday of 3rd May
Corpus Christi
15 August - The Virgin Mary Assumption
1 November - All Saints' Day
11 November - Natinal Holiday of Independence
25 December - Christmas Day
26 December - Boxing Day

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